
Virgo :


People born under the Zodiac Sign Virgo (Kanya), the sixth Sign of the Zodiac calendar, are like worker bees and derive immense pleasure from serving and managing. They may often be made the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical, but the Virgins, as they are graphically represented, don't mind it as their focus is on helping others and not on what people might be thinking of them. 
Industrious and methodical, the Virgo don't like to delegate and want to oversee every step of the operation themselves. These efficient and practical individuals are an asset at their workplace, as no detail will be overlooked ever, once a dedicated Virgo is around. Besides, the Virgins also possess a great sense of duty and are utter perfectionists. Balanced and fair in their assessments, the Virgins don't get unnecessarily swayed by emotions and even when sentiments run high, they manage to keep a cool head. However, not getting success on the work front despite best efforts may break their morale. Remedial Solution for Career service may certainly help them find advancement at the career front as it will be based on the Birth Chart and not a general recommendation. 
Thoroughly meticulous in their work, the Virgo are often quiet, tidy and reserved individuals. However, they seldom shy away from taking on challenges and prove their mettle with hard work and quiet determination. And justly too, they gain success for their perfection and inability to ignore the smallest of the faults. Although not short-tempered, these honest and forthright beings pick up fights and arguments when anyone opposes them. Perhaps that is why they end up making bitter enemies. 
Swift-footed and bundles of energy, both physically and mentally, the Virgo possess brains, which are in overdrive most of the time. Probably that is why they get so much done. The Virgo are also good communicators, and use their mental acuity to the maximum advantage. Well, on the flip side, they can also be prone to scepticism. They are a studious lot, and can carefully analyse. But, their insistence on perfection many a times gets in the way of their usually clear thinking. 
Although, the Virgo are grounded and are rather humble and easygoing, they also do enjoy material possessions. Their greatest strength is in their practicality, sharp mind and attention to detail coupled with their willingness to serve. Eminently sensible and the ability to use their critical eye well, the Virgo often fall prey to hypochondria because of extreme nervousness. Many of them face psychological problems, as the Virgo-born tend to be compulsive worriers. 
Their kind and loving nature is often lost in the no-nonsense and critical nature, which most often is a put-off. Always demanding perfection, the Virgo-born are easily disappointed if given anything less, and unhappiness ensues from this, that they do not overlook others' frailties. A Virgo's obsession with order and neatness around the house can be quite infuriating to his partner, who will never seem to meet exacting standards of a Virgo. However, Virgo-Virgo , Virgo-Taurus , Virgo-Capricorn and Virgo-Pisces make quite compatible partners. Read Virgo Compatibility to know how compatible a Virgo is with other Signs. In order to make your married life as smooth as possible, avail Remedial Solutions for Marriage and get personalised astrological guidance. 

People born under the Zodiac Sign Virgo (Kanya), the sixth Sign of the Zodiac calendar, are like worker bees and derive immense pleasure from serving and managing. They may often be made the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical, but the Virgins, as they are graphically represented, don't mind it as their focus is on helping others and not on what people might be thinking of them. 

Industrious and methodical, the Virgo don't like to delegate and want to oversee every step of the operation themselves. These efficient and practical individuals are an asset at their workplace, as no detail will be overlooked ever, once a dedicated Virgo is around. Besides, the Virgins also possess a great sense of duty and are utter perfectionists. Balanced and fair in their assessments, the Virgins don't get unnecessarily swayed by emotions and even when sentiments run high, they manage to keep a cool head. However, not getting success on the work front despite best efforts may break their morale. Remedial Solution for Career service may certainly help them find advancement at the career front as it will be based on the Birth Chart and not a general recommendation. 

Thoroughly meticulous in their work, the Virgo are often quiet, tidy and reserved individuals. However, they seldom shy away from taking on challenges and prove their mettle with hard work and quiet determination. And justly too, they gain success for their perfection and inability to ignore the smallest of the faults. Although not short-tempered, these honest and forthright beings pick up fights and arguments when anyone opposes them. Perhaps that is why they end up making bitter enemies. 

Swift-footed and bundles of energy, both physically and mentally, the Virgo possess brains, which are in overdrive most of the time. Probably that is why they get so much done. The Virgo are also good communicators, and use their mental acuity to the maximum advantage. Well, on the flip side, they can also be prone to scepticism. They are a studious lot, and can carefully analyse. But, their insistence on perfection many a times gets in the way of their usually clear thinking. 

Although, the Virgo are grounded and are rather humble and easygoing, they also do enjoy material possessions. Their greatest strength is in their practicality, sharp mind and attention to detail coupled with their willingness to serve. Eminently sensible and the ability to use their critical eye well, the Virgo often fall prey to hypochondria because of extreme nervousness. Many of them face psychological problems, as the Virgo-born tend to be compulsive worriers. 

Their kind and loving nature is often lost in the no-nonsense and critical nature, which most often is a put-off. Always demanding perfection, the Virgo-born are easily disappointed if given anything less, and unhappiness ensues from this, that they do not overlook others' frailties. A Virgo's obsession with order and neatness around the house can be quite infuriating to his partner, who will never seem to meet exacting standards of a Virgo. However, Virgo-Virgo , Virgo-Taurus , Virgo-Capricorn and Virgo-Pisces make quite compatible partners. Read Virgo Compatibility to know how compatible a Virgo is with other Signs. In order to make your married life as smooth as possible, avail Remedial Solutions for Marriage and get personalised astrological guidance.